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Vaccine Injury Pros Contributes to Keeping SIRVA a Covered Vaccine Injury

As mentioned last month, for the last year, administrators with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services have been proposing amendments to the Vaccine Injury Table (Table) for claims made to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

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SIRVA Will Continue to Be a Covered Vaccine Injury

For the last year, administrators with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services have been working to badly curtail the rights of persons suffering a common vaccine-related injury

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FLU Shot Season Is Here: Understanding the Distinction Between Table vs. Non-Table Injuries in The VICP

According to the CDC, although flu viruses are detected throughout the year, they are most common in the fall and winter months, a time period known as flu season.

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Are Pre-Existing Conditions Covered?

Sometimes, we are contacted by a person who believes they have been injured from a vaccination but are not sure if they have a claim because they had a pre-existing condition.

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SIRVA More Prevalent in Women

Since 1988, there has been a no-fault alternative to resolve individual's claims of alleged vaccine-related injuries.  This no-fault alternative is known as the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).

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Does the Government Recognize SIRVA ?

In a word—according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Yes. At the CDC's 2019 Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Conference,

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Was My FLU Shot “Too High”?

Almost without exception, when we are contacted by someone having shoulder pain after a flu shot, the person tells us that the pharmacist or nurse injected the needle "too high" in the arm.

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Increasing Awareness of “SIRVA” Injury

It still happens. When we are contacted by someone who are experiencing shoulder problems after a flu shot, they often tell us that they had no idea the two could be connected.

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Proposed Changes to Add the Category of Vaccines Recommended for Pregnant Women to The Vaccine Injury Table

There may be some good news coming to pregnant women who have suffered adverse reactions to certain vaccines. The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services has proposed amending

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Setting the Record Straight About Your Vaccine Injury

There have been feature stories recently on the morning shows, nightly news programs, USA Today, Facebook and others, on efforts to reduce misinformation from anti-vaxx posts.

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